When washing wine glasses, what you can do is use warm water with soap and quickly shake the glass back and forth. Rinse this by dipping in warm water and it will be ready to dry. This way, you won’t have to insert your hand into the glass and use a sponge when cleaning. This greatly reduces the risk of breaking such glassware.

Glasses that have hard-to-remove stains can be removed using a scouring pad dipped in lemon juice or vinegar. These two liquids work as an astringent in removing stains that are due to hard water, as well as food stains.
When dealing with glassware that has gold or silver linings in them, do not use hot water and harsh chemicals when cleaning these as it may cause the linings to fade.
As for windows and mirrors, it is best to use a glass cleaner to help make cleaning a lot faster and easier as compared to using soap and water solution. With these tips, cleaning glassware as well as windows and mirrors should be a breeze from now on.