In addition, it needs minimal care. Here are five of the most beautiful types of ornamental grass that you can plant in the garden.
Calamagrostis ‘Karl Foerster’ or Reed Grass Feather is one of the most popular ornamental grasses. In addition, it provides a fantastic look to a garden even in winter, not just in summer. It adapts perfectly to any environmental conditions, it does not need special care. The only thing to keep in mind is to wet it from time to time in dry periods of the year.
Once in bloom, the grass has the appearance of feathers, hence the name of the plant. At maturity, it can be up to 70 inches.
Calamagrostis ‘Karl Foerster’ or Reed Grass Feather is a majestic ornamental grass, highly valued for its erect feathery flower plumes, moving gracefully with even the slightest breeze. Fast growing, reliable, with a multi-season interest, this cool season grass is not only beautiful, it is also virtually care-free and quite versatile.

Fountain grass or Pennisetum alopecuroides is a beautiful plant that looks like a fountain. Its leaves are light and seem to dance in the wind. For a sensational effect you can plant it near the the red flower beds.
This type of grass loves well-drained soil and sunny areas. At maturity can reach up to 60 inches in height.
Native to Asia and Australia, Pennisetum alopecuroides (Fountain Grass) is among the most beautiful and graceful ornamental grasses with its cascading foliage that rustles in the wind. Requiring very little care and providing almost nonstop drama in the garden.

Blue Oat Grass or Helictotrichon sempervirens is ideal for a beautiful arranged garden. The grass in shades of blue, looks perfect with pastel or white flowers. It loves sunny places and it is indicated to plant it in well-drained soil. At maturity, the grass reaches up to 47 inches in height.
Well-behaved and highly charming, Blue Oat Grass is a showy ornamental grass that grows in attractive, round clumps of gracefully arching narrow steel blue leaves. Resembling Blue Fescue (Festuca Glauca) but significantly bigger, it is the best of the mid-sized blue-leaved grasses.

Maiden Grass or Miscanthus Sinensis is ideal for large gardens. It adapts easily to both dry and wet environments. Instead it prefers well-drained soils and sunny areas. Mature plant can exceed 78 inches in height.
Mischanthus sinensis – Chinese sedge is a tall ornamental grass that blooms from July to September. It reaches a height of 1 m. and more. The flowers are collected in large spikes of reddish-brown color.
The leaves are narrow and decorative, so this plant is often used for planting on the lawn as a solitary plant. You can combine it with other ornamental grasses that have different colors and leaf shapes.
You can make a screen out of this grass and protect yourself from unwanted views. It is also suitable for planting in jardinières. The flowers, when ripe, acquire a fluffy shape.

Purple Fountain grass or Pennisetum Setaceum ‘purpureum’ is another grass ideal for any garden. The purple color of it will quickly emphasize it. It fits perfectly next to the flower beds in bright colors or near other ornamental grass. At maturity it can reach up to 35 inches in height.
Requiring very little care and providing striking color as well as graceful movement in the garden or patio, Pennisetum Setaceum ‘Rubrum’ (Purple Fountain Grass) has become a real favorite among gardeners.
How not to resist the spectacular rich burgundy foliage, the exceptionally long arching crimson plumes or the outstanding contrast provided with the surrounding plants and flowers?