Poinsettia, also known as Christmas Star, is one of the most popular houseplants. During the Holidays season, this plant enlivens our homes with their vivid colors.
Its “petals” are not flowers Although many people believe that poinsettia blooms during Christmas, are wrong. In fact, its large and colored petals are leaves. The flower itself is at the heart of these leaves, is yellow and is very small.
Various colors Although many believe Poinsettia can be found only in shades of red, these plants are available in over 100 colors, from white to beige, pink salmon, pink, dark red and purple
Poinsettia has a day dedicated to her Christmas Star is originally from Mexico, where it was discovered by botanist Joel Roberts Poinsett in 1828. On December 12, Americans and Mexicans celebrate Poinsettia Day in memory of the man who discovered them.